The Sound Wall
In South San Jose, along Monerey Hwy, there is a county ‘ park
and ride ’ lot, that allows commuters to park their own cars, and pick
up public transportation. It’s a pretty big parking lot, and it’s
border, opposite the street itself, has a sound wall partitioning
itself from private homes on the other side. I had driven this road many
times, but in early 2017, on a rainy day, I pulled into this parking lot. I
walked the distance to the farthest end. From there,I walked back,
all the way to the opposite end taking photographs along the way.
The rain soaked dormant vines of ivy, clinging to the white textured
surfaces of the huge sound wall, made for compelling imagery.
I think the results showed that it was well worth the time and effort
to create this series of images.
and ride ’ lot, that allows commuters to park their own cars, and pick
up public transportation. It’s a pretty big parking lot, and it’s
border, opposite the street itself, has a sound wall partitioning
itself from private homes on the other side. I had driven this road many
times, but in early 2017, on a rainy day, I pulled into this parking lot. I
walked the distance to the farthest end. From there,I walked back,
all the way to the opposite end taking photographs along the way.
The rain soaked dormant vines of ivy, clinging to the white textured
surfaces of the huge sound wall, made for compelling imagery.
I think the results showed that it was well worth the time and effort
to create this series of images.