Sun Spots
When I started shooting in digital, I noticed, that when I diffused images,
the look of the photographs started to get very surreal. This became
especially true, when I started to photograph the sun - in and above, other
interesting compositional elements. It’s one of the things, I always
photograph, when I encounter an interesting compostion, wether
it be out in an open space, through trees or above a distant horizon. Or
above or behind, more congested lines and shapes, in an urban setting.
the look of the photographs started to get very surreal. This became
especially true, when I started to photograph the sun - in and above, other
interesting compositional elements. It’s one of the things, I always
photograph, when I encounter an interesting compostion, wether
it be out in an open space, through trees or above a distant horizon. Or
above or behind, more congested lines and shapes, in an urban setting.