Digital Nudes 08 - 09
Fortunately, I felt no rush to start shooting with digital cameras myself,
when digital cameras were becoming more popular, I figured the kinks
were getting worked out of this technology, and, the price would only
be coming down. as the image quality was going up This certainly
was the case, in the early to mid 2000’s. Leading up to that point, I had
access to my own, very nice, wet labs over a period of many years.
I was productive and proficient in the ways of film and printing, but
standing at an enlarger, and smelling fixer, and sometimes, ‘ stop bath ’,
was getting very old, very fast. So, it was with a sense of, ‘ about time ’,
that I did purchase a professional grade digital camera, in very early ‘08
At that point, the transition from film, to digital, was pretty stark,
and pretty complete.
This first collection of figuratives, dated from ’08 to ‘09, presents my
favorite compositions, from these initial first efforts working in digital.
when digital cameras were becoming more popular, I figured the kinks
were getting worked out of this technology, and, the price would only
be coming down. as the image quality was going up This certainly
was the case, in the early to mid 2000’s. Leading up to that point, I had
access to my own, very nice, wet labs over a period of many years.
I was productive and proficient in the ways of film and printing, but
standing at an enlarger, and smelling fixer, and sometimes, ‘ stop bath ’,
was getting very old, very fast. So, it was with a sense of, ‘ about time ’,
that I did purchase a professional grade digital camera, in very early ‘08
At that point, the transition from film, to digital, was pretty stark,
and pretty complete.
This first collection of figuratives, dated from ’08 to ‘09, presents my
favorite compositions, from these initial first efforts working in digital.